Canada Visa

2022年5月9日 · 1534 字 · 4 分钟 · Mitacs Canada Visa

Application - March

参与 Mitacs 项目需要申请加拿大签证,这里进行一个申请的记录。这个项目让我们申请的是 TRV (Temporary Resident Visa),通过 GSS (Global Skill Strategy) 在入境时申请 Work Exemption,也就是说,我申请的是 Visitor Visa V-1。但是实际上,目前很多人下的签都是 WX-1,是工签,有人是 MULTIPLE,也有人是 ONE。由于我还没贴签,所以不太清楚自己下的是什么。

申请的时候,有两个通道,分别是 GCKey 和 IRCC Portal,前者是老通道,后者是疫情之后才开放的新通道。老通道是填表,同时要上传很多材料;新通道是类似于做问卷一样,填入一些信息,eye-friendly。我选择了 Portal 进行申报,在三月一号的时候完成了签证的申请。在缴费 $185 的时候,我发现用 Mastercard 付款失败了,但是用银联的信用卡反而成功了,群里也有人反应说借记卡也可以付款成功。指纹采集信当天就下来了,我预约了三月四号中午去上海的签证中心录指纹。

Biometrics - March

三月四日,我坐动车去上海的加拿大签证中心进行生物信息采集 (Biometrics),本想去一趟斌斌舅舅家玩,但是由于他有事还是算了。录指纹的时候要携带:护照、护照复印件、同意书、指纹采集信;在采集完之后会给你一个热敏打印一样的小贴纸,这个不能扔,要好好保管住了,在贴签的时候以及出入境都要查看。指纹有效期是十年,所以十年之内再申请加签是不用再录指纹的。录完指纹后,我在南京路逛了逛,中午吃了西餐,下午去了一趟外文书店看了看。随后改签了动车,早早就回无锡了。

Webform - April

签证迟迟不下,我便利用 Webform 进行了催签,上海和北京和加拿大的都催了一下,收到了北京签证中心的回复,但是回复令人心寒,通篇的基调是 negative 的。

Email from

Please be advised that your application is currently undergoing standard background checks and the processing time will be extended. Unfortunately, we are unable to advice at this time when a final decision might be made.

Please note that all applications are considered on their own merits and there is no guarantee that a visa will be issued. You will be advised if any further documentation or information is required.

Should you wish to withdraw your application, please send signed a written request advising this office that you wish to withdraw your application to


Good day Hanshi Sun,

Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

We verified the information you provided and can confirm that your application is still in process.

Re-application - April

由于害怕自己被拒签,所以又在 GCKey 上申请了一次,多花了 $100,还申请了调档,花了 ¥100。GCKey申请后指纹自动同步了,这次没过几天就开始了 review。过了仅仅五个工作日,在 2022-04-29 的凌晨 02:00,我的邮箱先后收到了 IRCC Portal 的 Withdraw 和 GCKey 的 Original Passport Request,重新递交的效果显著!

GCKey Timeline:

Subject Date sent
Original Passport Request April 28, 2022
Correspondence Letter April 28, 2022
Submission Confirmation April 21, 2022
Confirmation of Online Application Transmission April 21, 2022


  • Application for Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa) Made Outside of Canada (IMM5257): imm5257e.pdf
  • Offer of Employment: invitation-letter + award-letter
  • Proof of Work Permit Exemption: award-letter.pdf
  • Family Information Form (IMM5707): imm5707e.pdf
  • Travel History: travel.pdf (概述去过的境外国家经历+目的+签证)
  • Passport: passport.pdf
  • General Education and Employment Form: imm0104e.pdf
  • Proof of Means of Financial Support: invitation-letter + award-letter + 芝麻信用英文报告
  • Digital photo: photo.jpg
  • Purpose of Travel - Other: 描述本次去的目的和行程,写一个文档,转成 PDF 上传
  • Proof that you Meet the Requirements of the Job Being Offered: 成绩单 + invitation-letter + award-letter
  • Schedule 1 - Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada (IMM 5257): imm5257b_1.pdf

当天将护照和相关材料用顺丰寄出,寄到北京加拿大签证申请中心,静候贴签的 tracking number。

VFS - May

五月四号,五一节之后的第一天,收到 VFS 邮件,

Tracking ID No. - 20220504CNBJPKT72344 - Your application has been dispatched from the Canada Visa Application Centre to the IRCC Office on Wed May 04 2022 for processing.


VFS Global


Tracking ID No. - 20220504CNBJPKT72344 - Your application has been received and is under process at the IRCC Office on Thu May 05 2022.


VFS Global


Tracking ID No. - 20220504CNBJPKT72344 - The decision envelope for your application has been dispatched from the IRCC Office to the Canada Visa Application Centre.


VFS Global


Tracking ID No. - 20220504CNBJPKT72344 - The decision envelope for your application has been received at the Canada Visa Application Centre on Fri May 06 2022 from the IRCC Office, and is ready for collection or further delivery by courier as per your option upon the submission of the application. For details of the VAC locations, please refer to our website at:; for the business hours of operation under the COVID impact, please refer to our website at:


VFS Global


The decision envelope for your application, tracking ID No. 20220504CNBJPKT72344 has been couriered from the Canada Visa Application Centre, Canada Visa Application Centre, Beijing on Fri May 06 2022 via courier partner. Please use Tracking id. or the AWB number provided to track the shipment on the courier partners website after 24hrs.


VFS Global

五月九日,收到了北京发来的 EMS,贴签结束。查看签证后,发现是 WX-1,有效期到 2029-07-08,还算满意了。但是申请签证的过程,堪称折磨。